Starseeds is a term used in New Age or metaphysical beliefs to describe people who do not feel that they belong here and have a yearning for being born in or returning to another place or time. There is also a belief that they have had past lives on other planets. They could have been a part of extraterrestrial civilizations.
I believe that we all to some degree, have this fascination with the night sky, and the beautiful constellations that shine by the moonlight. However, Starseeds have a yearning, a poignant remembrance and a desire to return to a home, that is a distant memory. There is a feeling of not fitting in, and not quite feeling at home.
Why then would anyone choose to incarnate on planet Earth?
It is said that these special souls possess innate spiritual or psychic abilities and have reincarnated here on Earth, by choice, with a mission to assist in the planet's spiritual evolution.
It is unanimous, that these souls are here to raise the consciousness of humanity, heal the world and raise its vibration. Most Starseeds have experienced hurt and trauma and then learnt self-love and grown so that they can show others the ropes as well!!
Where did the term Starseed Originate?
The concept of starseeds originates from New Age and metaphysical beliefs and is not supported by scientific evidence. It is often associated with various spiritual and alternative beliefs such as channeling, past-life regression, and extraterrestrial contact. Information on starseeds can be found in books, websites, and forums that are dedicated to New Age spirituality, alternative beliefs, and extraterrestrial life.
Types Of Starseeds
Different belief systems categorize Starseeds in different ways, but some common classifications include:
Pleiadian: Known for their deep connection to nature and sound healing abilities, these Starseeds originate from the Pleiades.
Sirians: Originating from the Sirius star system, a strong connection to spiritual learning wisdom and teachings are the hallmarks of these Starseeds.
Arcturian: Whilst they hail from Altair, they are known as the Acturians and technology and higher knowledge, is the forte of these Starseeds.
Andromedan: believed to have originated from the Andromeda galaxy, and are said to possess a strong connection to telepathy and inter-dimensional travel.
Orion: believed to have originated from the Orion constellation, and are said to possess a strong connection to the spiritual warrior archetype and leadership.
Lyran: believed to have originated from the Lyra constellation, and are said to possess a strong connection to creativity and self-expression.
Draconian: believed to have had past lives in the Draco constellation, on the planet Draconis, or in the Draco star system, and are said to to have a strong connection to ancient cultures and civilizations.
In addition, the following are also considered to be starseeds:
The concept of "Indigo Children" was first popularized in the 1970s by parapsychologist and self-help author Nancy Ann Tappe, who claimed that a new type of "indigo" aura was appearing around children. According to Tappe and other proponents of the concept, Indigo Children are highly intuitive, empathetic, and possess a strong sense of self. Some people believe that these children are here to help usher in a new era of humanity and bring about a spiritual awakening. The idea of "Indigo Children" being "new starseeds" is considered a part of New Age spiritual beliefs. It's worth noting that many of the supposed characteristics of Indigo Children are also found in children who are simply highly sensitive, creative, or have a strong sense of self.
The concept of "Rainbow Children" is a continuation of the idea of "Indigo Children" and is considered to be a part of New Age spiritual beliefs. According to proponents of the concept, Rainbow Children are the next step in human evolution, said to be even more spiritually advanced and evolved than Indigo Children. They are supposed to be born with a higher level of consciousness, and a purer aura, with a greater ability to manifest their desires and have a positive impact on the world.
According to proponents of the concept, "Crystal Children" are the next step in human evolution, said to be even more spiritually advanced and evolved than Indigo and Rainbow Children. They are supposed to be born with a heightened level of psychic abilities and strong spiritual connections. They are also said to be highly sensitive to their environment, both physically and emotionally, and have a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
A "lightworker" is a term used in the New Age spiritual community to describe someone who is believed to have a special mission or purpose to bring light and healing to the world. Lightworkers are said to have a heightened intuition and spiritual gifts, and are believed to have come to Earth at this time to assist with the spiritual evolution of humanity. They are also said to have a strong desire to help others and make a positive impact on the world, and to have a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. It's important to note that anyone can strive to be a positive force in the world and help others in their own way, and this doesn't require any special label or belief in a specific spiritual concept.
Some of the signs that are often associated with being a starseed include:
A feeling of not belonging on Earth or feeling like an outsider.
A deep interest in or fascination with space, UFOs, and extraterrestrial life.
A strong intuition or psychic abilities.
A sense of having a mission or purpose on Earth.
Feeling a strong connection to certain celestial bodies or constellations.
Having vivid dreams or past life memories of other worlds or civilizations.
Experiencing synchronicities or a sense of being guided by a higher power.
Having an unusual physical appearance or unique abilities.
Having an interest in spiritual or metaphysical subjects.
Pleiadian starseeds
The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, is an open star cluster located in the constellation Taurus. It contains several hundred stars, but the most visible to the naked eye are seven blue-white stars. The cluster is relatively young, with an estimated age of around 100 million years. It is one of the nearest open clusters to Earth, at a distance of around 440 light years. The cluster is also known for its nebulosity, which is caused by the reflection of light from dust particles in the cluster.
In many cultures, the Pleiades has been an object of myth and legend. Pleiades is sometimes referred to as the "Constellation of Tears." This name likely comes from the mythological stories associated with the Pleiades, in which the sisters are often depicted as being in a state of distress or mourning. For example, in one Greek myth, one of the sisters, Merope, was said to have fallen in love with a mortal man and was so ashamed of her relationship that she was said to have wept constantly.
One of the most famous myths associated with the Pleiades is from ancient Greek mythology. According to the myth, the Pleiades were seven sisters who were daughters of the titan Atlas and the sea-nymph Pleione. The sisters were said to be exceptionally beautiful and were pursued by many suitors. The hunter Orion became particularly infatuated with the sisters and chased them across the sky. To protect the sisters, Zeus transformed them into doves and placed them among the stars as the constellation we know today.
Another story from the indigenous culture of Australia tells of seven sisters who were being pursued by a man. The sisters cried out for help, and the god Baiame transformed them into stars and placed them in the sky where they remain today.
Some of the signs that are often associated with being a Pleiadian starseed include:
Feeling a strong connection to nature and the environment.
Having a natural ability or interest in healing, whether it be physical or emotional healing.
Having a strong intuition and psychic abilities.
Having a strong sense of empathy and compassion for others.
Having an interest in spiritual or metaphysical subjects.
Having a sense of having a mission or purpose on Earth.
Feeling a strong connection to the Pleiades star system or constellation.
Having vivid dreams or past life memories of the Pleiades.
Having an interest in ancient civilizations and cultures.
Sirius Starseeds
In ancient Egyptian mythology, Sirius was associated with the goddess Isis and was considered to be one of the most important stars in the sky. The annual rising of Sirius in the summer marked the beginning of the Nile floods, which were crucial for agriculture in ancient Egypt. As a result, the star was worshipped as a symbol of fertility and renewal.
In the Dogon culture of West Africa, Sirius was seen as the abode of the gods and was believed to be the source of all life on Earth. The Dogon people had a complex understanding of the Sirius system, including knowledge of Sirius B, a companion star to Sirius that is invisible to the naked eye, long before its discovery by Western astronomers.
In ancient Greek mythology, Sirius was associated with the hunting dog named Sirius, who was said to be so bright that his appearance in the sky each summer caused the heat of the season. This gave rise to the name "Sirius," which comes from the Greek word "seirios," meaning "glowing" or "scorching."
Some of the signs that are often associated with being a Sirius starseed include:
Having a deep understanding and connection to spiritual wisdom and teachings.
Having a strong intuition and psychic abilities.
Having a strong sense of self-awareness and personal power.
Feeling a strong connection to the Sirius star system or constellation.
Having vivid dreams or past life memories of Sirius.
Having an interest in spiritual or metaphysical subjects.
Having a sense of having a mission or purpose on Earth.
Being drawn to ancient cultures and civilizations.
Having a strong sense of inner guidance and inner knowing.
Acturian Starseeds
Acturian is a term that is not commonly used in mainstream culture or science. It is not a known word or concept. It is possible that it might be a misspelling of "Altairian" which is a term used to describe individuals or species that are believed to be from the star system of Altair, located in the constellation Aquila.
Altair is the brightest star in the constellation Aquila, the Eagle. It is located about 16.8 light-years from Earth and is one of the closest stars visible to the naked eye. Altair is a main-sequence star, which means it is currently in the phase of its life where it is burning hydrogen to produce helium. Altair is also known for its rapid rotation, completing one rotation on its axis in just under 10 hours. This rapid rotation causes the star to be oblate, meaning it is slightly flattened at the poles due to centrifugal forces. Altair is also a member of a binary star system, with a companion star known as Altair B.
In ancient Greek mythology, Aquila was identified with the eagle that was sent by Zeus to carry the mortal prince Ganymede to Mount Olympus to serve as the cupbearer to the gods. This myth was used to explain the constellation's location near the zenith, which was considered the "gateway to the heavens."
In Hindu mythology, Aquila was associated with Garuda, the eagle-like creature who was the mount of the god Vishnu. According to Hindu legend, Garuda was so powerful that he was able to block out the sun with his wings, and he was often depicted in Hindu art as a large bird with a human-like face.
In Native American mythology, Aquila was often seen as a symbol of power and freedom, and was associated with the Thunderbird, a powerful bird spirit that was said to bring rain and thunder.
Some of the signs that are often associated with being an Arcturian starseed include:
Having a strong connection to technology and higher knowledge.
Being highly analytical and logical.
Having a natural ability for problem-solving and critical thinking.
Feeling a strong connection to the Arcturus star system or constellation.
Having vivid dreams or past life memories of Arcturus.
Having an interest in spiritual or metaphysical subjects.
Having a sense of having a mission or purpose on Earth.
Being drawn to ancient cultures and civilizations.
Having a strong sense of inner guidance and inner knowing.
Andromeda is a constellation located in the northern sky. It is named after the princess Andromeda in Greek mythology. The constellation is known for several celestial objects including the Andromeda Galaxy, also known as M31, which is the closest spiral galaxy to our own Milky Way galaxy. The galaxy is located around 2.5 million light-years away from Earth and is visible to the naked eye on a clear night. The galaxy can also be seen with binoculars or a telescope and is a popular target for amateur astronomers. The constellation also contains several other galaxies, including M32 and M110, as well as a number of star clusters and nebulae.
The constellation is also home to several bright stars including Alpha Andromeda, also known as Alpheratz, which is the brightest star in the constellation.
In modern astronomy, the Andromeda Galaxy is often studied for its important role in our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. It is one of the closest galaxies to our own and is often used as a "local" analogue for studying the properties of other, more distant galaxies.
Andromeda is a figure from Greek mythology who is best known for her role in the story of Perseus. According to the myth, Andromeda was a beautiful princess who was the daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia of Ethiopia. Her mother boasted that she was more beautiful than the Nereids, sea nymphs who were the companions of the sea god Poseidon. In some versions of the myth, Andromeda had been compared to the goddess of love Aphrodite or Venus herself. This insult to the gods led to Poseidon sending a sea monster to ravage the kingdom as punishment. To save her kingdom, King Cepheus was told by an oracle that the only way to stop the monster was to sacrifice his daughter Andromeda to it. Andromeda was thus chained to a rock on the seashore as a sacrifice. But before the monster could attack, the hero Perseus arrived on the scene and, using the head of the Gorgon Medusa, which had the power to turn anyone who looked at it to stone, he was able to slay the monster and rescue Andromeda. The two later married and were placed among the stars as the constellation Andromeda.
Some of the signs that are often associated with being an Andromedan starseed include:
Having a strong connection to telepathy and inter-dimensional travel.
Being highly intuitive and having strong psychic abilities.
Having a natural ability for problem-solving and critical thinking.
Feeling a strong connection to the Andromeda galaxy.
Having vivid dreams or past life memories of Andromeda.
Having an interest in spiritual or metaphysical subjects.
Having a sense of having a mission or purpose on Earth.
Being drawn to ancient cultures and civilizations.
Having a strong sense of inner guidance and inner knowing.
Orion is a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator. It is one of the most recognizable and widely observed constellations in the night sky. It is named after the hunter Orion in Greek mythology. The constellation is known for several bright stars including Betelgeuse and Rigel, which mark the shoulder and foot of the hunter respectively. The three stars in a row that mark Orion's belt, Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka, are also particularly notable. The constellation also contains several other notable objects such as the Orion Nebula, also known as M42, which is a bright emission nebula and a popular target for amateur astronomers. The Horsehead Nebula, which is a dark nebula, and several open and globular clusters, including the famous Messier 42 and Messier 43, are also located in Orion.
Some of the signs that are often associated with being an Orion starseed include:
Having a strong sense of spiritual warrior archetype and leadership.
Being highly intuitive and having strong psychic abilities.
Having a natural ability for problem-solving and critical thinking.
Feeling a strong connection to the Orion constellation.
Having vivid dreams or past life memories of Orion.
Having an interest in spiritual or metaphysical subjects.
Having a sense of having a mission or purpose on Earth.
Being drawn to ancient cultures and civilizations.
Having a strong sense of inner guidance and inner knowing.
Lyra is a small constellation located in the northern sky. It is named after the lyre, a stringed musical instrument in Greek mythology, and is represented by the harp of Orpheus. The constellation is known for its brightest star, Vega, which is one of the brightest stars in the night sky and is located only 25 light-years from Earth.
Vega is also known for being one of the stars that mark the Summer Triangle, an asterism formed by the stars Vega, Deneb in Cygnus, and Altair in Aquila. The constellation also contains several other notable objects such as the Ring Nebula, also known as M57, which is a planetary nebula and a popular target for amateur astronomers. Additionally, the constellation is also home to several double stars and a number of other bright stars.
According to certain New Age and conspiracy theories, the Lyrans were one of the first intelligent civilizations in our galaxy and may have had a significant influence on the development of human civilization on Earth.
Some of the signs that are often associated with being a Lyran starseed include:
Having a strong connection to creativity and self-expression.
Being highly intuitive and having strong psychic abilities.
Having a natural ability for problem-solving and critical thinking.
Feeling a strong connection to the Lyra constellation.
Having vivid dreams or past life memories of Lyra.
Having an interest in spiritual or metaphysical subjects.
Having a sense of having a mission or purpose on Earth.
Being drawn to ancient cultures and civilizations.
Having a strong sense of inner guidance and inner knowing.
Draco is a constellation located in the northern sky, named after the dragon in Greek mythology. It is one of the oldest recorded constellations and is known for its winding shape and long tail. The constellation's brightest star is Gamma Draconis, also known as Eltanin. Draco contains several notable deep-sky objects, including the Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543), a planetary nebula, and the Spindle Galaxy (NGC 5866), a lenticular galaxy. The constellation is also home to several double stars and multiple star systems, such as the star system Epsilon Draconis, which is a triple star system. The constellation is circumpolar, meaning that it is visible throughout the year from latitudes in the northern hemisphere and is visible throughout the night.
The Draco constellation is associated with the myth of the dragon in Greek mythology. According to the myth, Draco was a giant serpent or dragon that guarded the golden apples in the Garden of the Hesperides, a mythical paradise in the far west. The dragon was eventually defeated by the hero Heracles (Hercules in Roman mythology), who was completing one of his Twelve Labors as ordered by King Eurystheus.
In another version of the myth, Draco was said to have been placed in the sky by the goddess Athena as a reward for his services as the dragon who guarded the sacred altar of Zeus on Mount Olympus. In this version, Draco was seen as a symbol of strength and protection, as well as a reminder of the power of the gods.
The constellation of Draco has been associated with the dragon myth in various cultures throughout history, and its image has been used as a symbol of power, protection, and danger in various cultures and contexts. Despite this fearsome reputation, the constellation has also been seen as a symbol of strength and courage.
Starseeds are said to suffer due to the difficulties of adjusting to life on Earth and feeling disconnected from their supposed extraterrestrial origin. They may feel a sense of homesickness, alienation or a feeling of not belonging on Earth. Some people who identify as starseeds may experience feelings of depression, anxiety or loneliness as a result of these feelings. Additionally, they may feel a sense of confusion, frustration or disconnection from their supposed mission or purpose on Earth.
“All men have the stars," he answered, "but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travellers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. For others, who are scholars, they are problems. For my businessman they were wealth. But all the stars are silent. You--you alone--will have the stars as no one else has them--”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
Whether or not you feel like a Starseed, there is definitely no denying that the heavens are magical, and the stars inspire!! Each of us will have the stars in our own different way. To the Astronomer the stars are the map of life and of history being revealed. The stars may even be an enigma!! To the romantic the myths suffice and to the Starseed, well they are a call from home, that cannot yet be answered, on the physical plane but on the Astral realm.